LisIoT Centralization

Understanding the realities of cities and their surroundings, Liseas created LisIoT (Live Interface System for IoT), ideal for medium and long-term construction and the value added by the different socio-economic agents and institutions. This technology will give you better productivity in the operation of your various installations and a guarantee of quality of service for your users.

LisIoT Centralization is a secure management platform that brings together all the intelligent systems in an urban area. It is based on easily measurable indicators that support decision-making. However, all of our modules can operate independently of each other. This flexibility allows you to benefit from a scalable facility and totally adapted to your needs.
Liseas - Centre de Contrôle

Our hybrid system, Cloud for interface and local for Databases, guarantees the use of the latest version while maintaining the confidentiality of the data on your servers. You will also be exempt from heavy initial investment, laborious maintenance and costly training.

Easy to use, intuitive and customizable, our application is also well thought out and designed for novice as well as experienced users thanks to its flexible maps, weekly or monthly reports and personalized notifications.